Announcing our fall class schedule!

As you may have noticed, we’ve spent the last month revamping our website and sprinkling in some lovely new photos from our June performances. Take a look and feel free to share our website with any friends who may want to join you in dance classes this fall:

We know a lot of you are charting out your after-school activities for the school year, and we are excited to finally announce our fall class schedule!

Fall Class Schedule

Every family that was enrolled in one of our classes this past spring will be getting a placement or class recommendation email from Angela, so please keep an eye out for that in your inbox. If you are a new student wondering which level would be best for you, we encourage you to contact Angela before registering.

Registration timeline

Please note that, while our schedule is now available to be viewed, registration doesn't begin for a few more weeks:

  • July 29–August 4: Pre-registration period for returning families
    (you'll receive an email with a pre-registration link on July 29)

  • August 5: Registration opens for all families
    (registration link will be shared via our monthly newsletter and on our website on August 5)

  • September 3: First day of fall classes


Class highlight: Contemporary

We are continuing to bolster our curriculum with new offerings each year and this year, we are thrilled to announce the expansion of our Contemporary program at Steppin' Out.

  • Open Level Creative Movement for ages 4-6
    Mondays, 4:00-4:45

  • Open Level Contemporary age 7+
    Mondays, 4:45-5:45

  • Intermediate I/II Contemporary age 9+
    Thursdays, 5:00-6:00

  • Intermediate III Contemporary age 11+ 
    Thursdays, 6:00-7:00

Read more about each of these classes on our class schedule page.

Performance videos

Videos from our June performances are coming your way soon!  Thank you for your patience. We are at the tail end of the editing process and will get these out to you shortly. Everyone who performed will receive a password protected link to the videos of all three shows.

In the community: Circus Bella

Get out in the sunshine and get inspired! Circus Bella is a small, kid-friendly circus that offers free park performances around the bay area! Circus in the Parks — Circus Bella.

Movement of the month: Take a walk!

There are many benefits to walking, and we live in a beautiful, walkable city. Walking helps your heart get stronger, your blood pressure get lower, and your bones get stronger. Walking also eases stress, helps you sleep better, and can boost your outlook on life.

Not only are there health benefits to walking, but there are so many things to see and explore! Here are some of Teacher Angela's favorites:

  • Start at the top of Golden Gate Park and walk all the way through the park to the beach.  Just follow the sun.

  • Walk up Bernal Hill, swing on the tree swing overlooking the city, and then make your way down to the painted rock.

  • Take a walk in the Glen Park Canyon and be with nature.

  • Hike around Mount Davidson Park. At 933 feet, it's the highest point in San Francisco!


Fall registration is now open!


Performance photos + June news