Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Winter is Here + Steppin' Out December News

Winter is upon us! Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone and temperatures have dipped low, it's clear that we've entered the coldest season. This issue is all about those wintry months--how to survive, enjoy, and celebrate them, from staying active during the holidays to where to see The Nutcracker this year. Curious about this month's photo? It shows the whimsical fun and cooperative spirit of last year's winter camp attendees on a field trip day. We're gearing up for even more fun this year, so be sure to check out winter camp among other winter news below.

Right around this time of year, it can feel like holiday celebrations are all about indulgence, but it doesn't have to be that way. Families can enjoy active time together too. Why not turn up the music and dance around the living room as a family? Even better, ask grandma or grandpa to show the whole gang their favorite dance move--or let the younger generation school their elders! It doesn't much matter what music you play or what moves you do; it's all about encouraging multiple generations to be active together.

Looking for childcare over winter break? Hoping for an enriching, movement-filled school holiday for your child? Just want to get a little extra shopping done? Whatever the reason, Steppin' Out has you covered. Come take advantage of our magical winter days packed full of delightful, age-appropriate activities and surprises. Best of all, our camp is completely flexible: enroll only in the days you prefer. Your camper will learn new skills like baking, yoga, and sewing, all while having fun and gaining new experiences in dance. To learn more, visit our Winter Camp page:

During this time of year, many families choose to see that classic holiday ballet performed live. While there are many excellent options in the bay area, here are a few of our favorites:

The classic, featuring breathtaking performances and spectacular sets: 
San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker

The 50-minute version, perfect for the younger crowd:
Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets

The whimsical, audience-participation option:
Dance Along Nutcracker of Oz

Regular Steppin' Out classes will be on hiatus from December 20th through January 3rd. Please enjoy your time with your family.

In the spirit of winter giving, why not participate in our "pay it forward" shoe collection? Getting organized this break? Donate your reasonable-condition outgrown tap or ballet shoes to the studio so other families can use them. Need a new pair? Check the bin! Let's keep those shoes in circulation and hopefully everyone will benefit.

In cold weather keep your dancers warm before and after class to prevent colds and injuries. Dress them in layers, throw a lightweight sweater over their leotards and remember what we like to say about leg warmers: not just stylish but also practical!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Teacher Jordan Performs 12/4 & 12/5

Prima ballerina and Steppin' Out teacher extraordinaire Jordan Drew will perform with dawsondancesf in "punctus contra punctum" on Saturday and Sunday, December 4th and 5th. This short (45-minute) performance accompanied by live music is performed in the round and perfect for a younger audience. The venue is gray area at 2665 Mission Street, only a few blocks from Steppin' Out. For tickets or more information, visit

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Winter Camp + Steppin' Out November News

We had a wonderful time seeing so many of our dancers in costume this past week and we hope all of our families had a delightful and safe Halloween. Now that we've passed this landmark, it's time to look ahead to the rest of fall. This issue contains important information about Thanksgiving as well as our upcoming Winter Holiday Camp plus some extra surprises.


In honor of our much-anticipated rainy season, this month we'd like to work on leaps over a mud puddle. Having an imaginary "puddle"--which you can create with a scarf or just about any piece of fabric--helps our dancers stretch their legs and leap a bit further. Encourage yours to leap with one leg in front of the other and don't forget to practice on each side. Best of all, rain boots are not required!

Looking for childcare over winter break? Hoping for an enriching, movement-filled school holiday for your child? Just want to get a little extra shopping done? Whatever the reason, Steppin' Out has you covered. Come take advantage of our magical winter days packed full of delightful, age-appropriate activities and surprises. Best of all, our camp is completely flexible: enroll only in the days you prefer. Your camper will learn new skills like baking, yoga, and sewing, all while having fun and gaining new experiences in dance. To learn more, visit our Winter Camp page

Steppin' Out will be open for all scheduled classes in November except for Thanksgiving Day. Please enjoy your time with your family.

Michelle Dorrance Awarded the MacArthur
The founder of Dorrance Dance/New York Troupe thinks tap is the ultimate art form: "To be able to be a dancer and a musician at the same time, there's nothing like it... There's something that's really organic in your footfall. There's something organic in your biorhythms, your heartbeat. And to be able to demonstrate that inside of a moving form is phenomenal." Listen to her inspiring story and celebrate her success with All Things Considered's profile of her career and oeuvre.

During the month of November, invite a friend to any of our classes with space. Give your friend the password "sharethelove" and he or she can attend class for free. You don't have to be enrolled in that particular class to participate.

Classes with space include:

Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling ages 2.5-3.5
Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling ages 3-5
Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. Tap/Ballet II ages 6-9

See our classes page for more information, and stay tuned for a New Year's promotion for our new generation of special needs' dancers!

Winter is coming and our bodies might be extra stiff in the morning, so why not start the day with a quick family stretch: Just reach for the sky together in the morning and you'll begin your day with a bit more flexibility!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Halloween at the Studio + Steppin' Out October News

We made it over the hurdle! Most of us have now figured out our class schedule, acquired the right shoes in the right sizes, signed up for autopay or our preferred payment method, and started to adjust to our fall routine. September is always such an exciting month at the studio as we come back together after the summer break to see old friends and make new ones, but sometimes it feels good to return to the calm and smooth cycle that October brings. For those of you still trying to settle in, we have more information about our season below; for those ready to skip to the fun stuff, you'll find our Halloween plans explained there as well.

Many of our dancers, whether just starting out or after dancing for years, can benefit from a reminder about posture. Standing tall and lifted isn't just important in dance class--it can also minimize back pain and joint aches in daily life. In class, posture can sometimes be connected to where our dancers focus their eyes. When they stare at their feet while they dance, their backs hunch over. When they gaze confidently ahead, their bodies can stay lifted and will know where to go. Plus standing tall exudes confidence on the dance floor and out in the world. Practice excellent posture by standing against a wall. As you start to lift from your center, you may actually feel your head inch up higher.

HALLOWEEN AT THE STUDIO: It's on! Our fun Halloween dances are back for the entire month of October. And feel free and encouraged to come to class in costume on October 27th, 28th, 29th, and 31st. We can't wait to see what you dream up.

NEW "GREEN" MATS! Steppin' Out is excited to share that we have just acquired a new set of "green" EnviroSafe® Mats, 100% toxin free, hypoallergenic, latex-free, made from 60% recycled material with zero VOCs or off gassing and no leachables of any kind. Bring your kids in for a test tumble!

AUTOPAY ENVY? Close your eyes and imagine that feeling of never being asked if you've paid this month.. for the entire rest of the season! If you'd like to set your account up for autopay and you haven't yet had a chance, please email to schedule your two-minute phone call.

PERFORMANCE SEASON: Steppin' Out's 2015-16 season runs from September through the first half of June. During the months of September to December, students learn dance vocabulary and technique. From January to June, students work on their dances for the annual performance.

Steppin' Out is open for classes except on the following holidays:

-Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26th
-Winter Break (studio closed December 21st-January 3rd)

Our last day of classes for the 2015-2016 Season will be Saturday, June 11th. Tuition for the month of June will be prorated.

QUICK TIP: Before you and your child walk through the studio door, take a moment. Even a thirty-second pause to remind your child what's coming next, what to expect in class and how she or he should behave can mean the difference between a rocky day in class and a smooth one. Plus it's great for grown ups too!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Steppin' Out September News + Where to Buy Clothes and Shoes

Welcome back! It's fall again--one of the most exciting times of the year for all of us at Steppin' Out. We're counting down the days to the start of our 2015-2016 season at it's almost here. Our first day of classes will be Tuesday, September 8th. We can't wait to see you at the studio.

Waiting List & Open Classes

Looking for a new class? On the waiting list? Here is a list of classes that currently have at least one spot. (And if you are on the waiting list for a class that becomes open, we will contact you immediately.) For real-time information, please check the schedule at

Classes that currently have space include:


9-10 a.m. Tap/Ballet II ages 7-9 (one spot left!)
11 a.m.-noon Teen Tap/Jazz
noon-1:30 p.m. Advanced Teen Tap/Modern/Jazz


9:30-10:30 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling ages 2.5-3.5
10:30-11:30 a.m.Tap/Ballet/Tumbling I ages 4-5
4-5 p.m. Tap/Ballet II ages 5-7
5-6 p.m. Special Needs Creative Movement/Jazz ages 7-12


9:30-10:30 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling ages 2.5-3.5
10:30-11:30 a.m.Tap/Ballet/Tumbling I ages 4-5 (one spot left!)
4-5 p.m. Tap/Ballet II ages 7-10
5-6 p.m. Advanced Teen Jazz
6-7 p.m. Advanced Teen Ballet


9:30-10:30 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling ages 3-5
4-5 p.m. Tap/Ballet II ages 6-9

Please spread the word to your community by forwarding this message and sharing your love of dance! And don't forget to like us on Facebook at


We are very excited to announce that this year we are moving to a new system of accepting payments that should make it much easier for you to pay for classes through a variety of ways. More details about payment are coming soon! Please note that due to increased payment processing costs, we have added a nominal fee of 25 cents/class to our pricing structure this year. Please see our tuition page at for the full break down and, as always, if cost presents a problem, please contact Angela at Thanks for your understanding!

Subscribe Friends and Family to the Newsletter:

Keep everyone in the loop! We've subscribed the email address you gave us during registration, but it's easy to add additional parents, grandparents or friends to our newsletter and announcements mailings. Just click the "subscribe to the newsletter" button on our home page at or email for assistance.

Dance Attire:

Several of you have asked about buying dance shoes and clothes. We do have some tap and ballet shoes in the shoe bin for you to use on a first come, first served basis. If you find a pair that fits, feel free to take it. If you've grown out of an old pair, we'd love your old shoes back so that another student may benefit from them.
Should you need to purchase shoes or other dance supplies, please see below:


-Payless on Mission at 22nd stocks dance shoes (other Payless stores may also have a dance department--call ahead to check.)

-Chloe's closet in Bernal often has second-hand ballet and tap shoes available
-San Francisco Dance Wear is a bit pricier but has everything (shoes, leotards, tights) on Mission St. at 3rd


-Target has a dance department for affordable dance clothing

-Sears also offers dance and active wear

-eBay and craigslist are good sources for second-hand dance attire

-Also check http://www.discountdance.comfor flat-rate shipping on shoes and all types of dance wear


We've also received some questions about our studio policies. Although our general philosophy is to keep the emphasis on having fun, we do have a few guidelines to help the studio run more smoothly for everyone.

Dress Code:

Students should wear proper dance attire. Steppin’ Out does not have a uniform, but students might choose to wear leotards, tights, leggings, dance pants, tank top, dance skirt, tutus, or fitted t-shirts. Any combination, color or pattern is fine. No jeans please.

Parent Observation:

Parents are allowed to quietly watch the class but it is not mandatory that parents stay. Drop off is fine! Noisy siblings who are distracting other children while class is in session will be asked to wait outside.

Punctuality & Attendance:

Dancers are expected to arrive on time and attend class regularly.


Students who miss more than three classes in a row will be notified and dropped from the class and their spot will be given to the first student on the waiting list. We really don't want this to ever happen though so should those life circumstances arrive, please let us know.

Here's to a wonderful season of dance!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Register Now for Steppin' Out's 2015-2016 Season! + August News

We are so excited to welcome you to another new year at Steppin' Out
Dance Studio. In celebration of new starts, we also have a mostly new
website which we hope will make it easier for you to register for
classes this season. So please do take a moment to register! (Your
spot will be held until 5 p.m. on 8/14.) We have missed our Steppin'
Out community this past month and are looking forward to seeing you
all in class after Labor Day.


Steppin' Out will begin classes shortly after Labor Day on Tuesday,
September 8th. Our schedule is available at This year for the first time you
will be able to see which teachers are teaching which classes! We're
excited to announce that Krystal will be co-teaching many of the
weekday classes with Angela this year, so if your Saturdays are
getting hectic, consider a weekday class instead (or do both!).
Another great opportunity this year is the chance to enroll in an
hour-long ballet class Wednesday afternoon with Jordan (5 p.m. for
students aged 7-10; 6 p.m. for teens). These focused, in-depth
explorations of ballet will help dancers improve strength and
technique, which will carry over in jazz class!

Steppin' Out strives to respect the diversity of our community and the
dignity of each of our students as we create a warm, nurturing
environment for students to grow and thrive. Our year is composed of a
two-part cycle: During the months of September to December, students
learn dance vocabulary and technique. From January to June, students
begin working on dances to be performed in costume at the annual June
recital for family and friends, a polished stage production. From year
to year, students remain together with their cohort in classes that
grow in complexity as the dancers grow in ability in accordance with
Steppin' Out's emphasis on community, connection, and group cohesion.


Each year, Steppin' Out maintains waiting lists for the majority of
families. This past year, over a hundred families hoped to find
enrollment in our community but were unable to secure spots. Due to
this high demand, classes that are fully enrolled will not be open for
drop-in or single class purchases. Instead, to retain your spot, we
ask that families pay by the month and provide 30-days written notice
of intent to vacate a spot. We very much appreciate your support of
these policies which make it easier for us to serve more of the many
families who wish to dance with us and keep our tuition the lowest in
the city.


All continuing students who are returning to their same classes from
last year and who register by 5 p.m. on Friday, August 14th are
guaranteed a spot. Students who wish to change classes and new
families enrolling at Steppin' Out for the first time should indicate
their preferences and will receive a prompt response detailing their
options. Some more advanced classes do require specific placement by
Angela and/or an audition to ensure students are matched to the
appropriate level.

To enroll, please visit our class page at and click on the "request a
class" button. Please complete one request form per dancer (you may
request multiple classes for the same dancer on one form). (Note that
if you have visited our website recently you may need to clear your
browser's cache to see the new website. Please contact us if you encounter any difficulty.)

Class space is limited and registration is first come, first served
for the appropriate level after continuing student placement. Waiting
lists will be maintained for each class and families will be contacted
as soon as space becomes available. You can be assured that we will do
our utmost to help your family find the class that works for you.


Share the benefits of dance--poise, grace, confidence, self esteem,
dance fundamentals, music appreciation, joy, adventure, fun!--with
your greater community. Please forward this message to others. Your
support is very much appreciated!

Don't forget to register now and see you at the studio!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Registration will open on the morning of Monday, August 3rd

Dear Steppin' Out Families,

We are so excited to be taking the first steps toward starting our 2015-2016 season! You may view the schedule now, but registration won't open until the morning of Monday, August 3rd. Returning students will have priority to continue in their existing class through Friday, August 14th. After that, the remaining spaces will be offered first come, first served to new students.

We can't wait to see you on Tuesday, September 8th, the first day of the season!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Thank You for an Amazing Year + Steppin' Out July News

I can hardly believe our year of dance has come to a close. I wanted
to share how impressed and moved I was by all of our dancers'
performances. From the flawless routines to those little moments that
make working with children so eternally delightful, I and the other
teachers were wowed and touched and delighted by each and every one of
the Steppin' Out dancers. Thank you for sharing them with us--they
have made our year.

Now that July is here, Steppin' Out is officially on summer recess but
there are still a few things to know as you enjoy your vacation:

This year's DVDs are sure to be a delight. You are welcome to pick
them up at the studio on Saturday, July 18 from 10 a.m to 12 p.m. or Tuesday, July 21
from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. Or just wait until our 2015-16 season begins in
September and pick them up during regular business hours.

Although we hope you are enjoying this rest, we also want you to keep
next year's season in mind because we can't wait to have you back in
the studio! Registration will open August 3rd and will be first come,
first served, so keep your eyes on your inbox for your August
newsletter with registration instructions. The class schedule will
also be posted on the web prior to the registration period.

We are thrilled to announce that next year we will be adding a new
jazz/creative movement class for children aged 7-12 with special needs
on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. The class will be assisted by me but
primarily taught by Olivia Byers-Straus, my student since 1995 and
herself a young woman with Down Syndrome. Olivia just graduated from
the Pathways program at UCLA and currently dances in my young adults
with special needs' company. I am beyond thrilled to offer the
opportunity to study with Olivia to a new generation of dancers.

The studio will be on summer recess for the months of July and August
and the 2015-2016 season will begin in September the week after Labor
Day. Look for your registration invitation email in August!

Have a wonderful summer!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Preparing Your Child for Class Success

By Leila Easa

We've all been there. Edging our way to the back of the room. Checking our phone or pretending to be involved in an engaging conversation. Sometimes even counting cracks in the ceiling. Anything to avoid being recognized as the adult responsible for the screaming ballerina in the middle of the dance floor. At those moments it's easy to ask ourselves that most puzzling of all questions: How on earth did we get here?

If in short order your child went from trying on tutus and demonstrating pirouettes to terrifying an entire class with her high-decibel squawks,  perhaps a little more preparation's in order before class number two. Here are our top five tips for grooming the next Pavlova (or really just a happy little dancer):

1. Prepare Your Child for What's In Store: Parents aren't the only ones who want to know what to expect. Children can feel anxious or even stressed when they can't see what's coming. Given the difficulty of transitions at their tender age, you can smooth their worries by offering a narrative in advance of opening the studio door. Mantras like "First we'll put your shoes on, then the teacher will call  you into the circle, then I'll watch while the teacher shows you what to do" can bring a lot of comfort to an anxious newcomer.

2. Meet Their Physical Needs First: It's hard to dance when we're hungry or need to use the restroom. Make sure your aspiring Astaire gets a healthy snack and a quick stop at the restroom before class starts.

3. Have the Right Stuff: Sure, you're busy juggling all your fall commitments and there's no way you can get soccer cleats, tap shoes, and running sneakers for each kid at the first meeting of the season. But little dancers can be sensitive to not having the right shoes or attire. Plus too-tight shoes can make it difficult to concentrate on the teacher. Set your ballerina up for success by arming her with everything she needs before the first day of class.

4. Take it Seriously: Kids take their cues from you. If you decide to stay in the studio to watch class, be attentive to both the dancers and the rules. Loud parents are not only distracting for the class in progress but they send the wrong message to their own children: that the class is unimportant. Showing your child that you respect the class is a great way to help them respect it, too. And along those lines, be on time or early for class. Little dancers who start class stressed often stay that way for the duration.

5. Make it Fun: "Guess what? You have dance class today! I wonder what you'll decide to put into your wheelbarrow during tumbling time? And I sure hope you make it over the mud puddle during leaps!" goes a long way toward building anticipation and excitement for class.

With the right preparation, even the shyest dancer can have a great time on the dance floor. Give these steps a try and we'll be seeing you at the studio in no time.


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