Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Performance Information + Steppin' Out May News

It's hard to believe we have only four weeks till performance time! Please be sure your dancers attend every class and rehearsal for the next few weeks--and please read on for important performance and costume information below.

Costumes are ready to be paid for and taken home—please check this list for your child’s costume. Once costumes make it home, please take them out of their bags, iron anything that needs ironing, and hang anything that need to be hung. Keep all costume pieces together so nothing gets lost (a garment bag is a great way to store your costume). Please be sure to bring all costumes to the dress rehearsal on Sunday, May 19th as the dancers need to practice in them and photographs will be taken. Don't forget that we sell tights for $5 at the front desk.
We provide costume and performance fee assistance to anyone who needs it--just talk to Angela. Also please note that Wednesday 4 p.m. (back), Saturday 11 a.m. (back), and Sunday noon (front) are still finalizing costumes--stay tuned!

Any accessories such as hair bows or flowers should be wore either in the center of the hair or on the right side. Dancers may wear their hair in any style they want, as long as hair is brushed. Preteen, teen, and adult dancers should try on their costumes at home and determine what undergarments are needed. Please choose clear or nude colored straps on any undergarment that might show (and please match your own skin tone to the degree possible). Make up should be worn according to the Steppin' Out make up guidelines.

Double check your dancer's performance day and time (the specific line up for each show will be released closer to show time) . Call time is 45 minutes prior to show time and each show will run about 1.5 hours. Dancers should arrive with their hair and make up already ready according to the guidelines. If your dancer is in both the 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. shows on June 1st, please make sure to pack a lunch or have a plan for a quick meal in between. Every show will be recorded and a special link will be emailed to each performer, so remind your dancers that they aren't just on stage--they're on camera!

All dancers will sit with their class in a designated area of the theater, chaperoned by a parent volunteer. They will be able to watch the show from these seats, and the Steppin' Out staff will be able to find them when it's their time to go on stage. Once a class has performed its first dance, the dancers will be brought back to their seats. Parents of children under the age of eight must then assist their children with any necessary shoe or costume changes before the next dance (please meet them in the hall and work as quietly as possible). At the end of the show, all dancers will go on stage for a final company bow (parents can pick up from the stage at the end of the show to congratulate dancers and take photos). 

Parent volunteers will keep kids safe and quiet as they watch the show. If you would like to be a parent volunteer, please sign up at the studio.  We need at least two parents per class for each class with students under the age of eight. 

Our dress rehearsal will be on Sunday May 19th at Everett Middle School (free parking is available in the school yard). Dancers only attend during their class' scheduled hour (unless otherwise noted). Natalia Perez of Natalia Perez Photography will be taking photographs of our dress rehearsal. Natalia's photographs will be available for purchase, so please make sure your dancers attend in full costume (including hair and make up, which should be completed before you arrive). You may also want water bottles and sweatshirts for your dancers to wear while waiting for their turns. 

Each dancer who will be participating in the annual performance will be charged a performance fee. This fee covers free admission for an unlimited number of guests and a free video link to the recorded version of the show. Fees are $40 per dancer (for multiple dancers from the same family, add $10 for your second dancer and $5 for your third [or more!] dancer/s, etc.). Please see the front desk to pay by check, cash, or credit card. 
Remind your dancers that when they bow, they are still dancing! While there are a variety of bows being used depending on the class, each dancer can practice their style to get more familiar with it before the show. Practice whenever possible. Finished homework? Take a bow. Set the table? Take a bow. Told a good joke? Take a bow!

Your performance fee covers an unlimited number of guests, so invite a friend to the show. Keep your eyes out at the studio for flyers to hand out to friends and family. Please also let your guests know that parking in the school yard is $10 and that flowers will be available for purchase during the performance.

We've already been talking about "butterflies" in class, but if you sense your child might have a hard time on performance day, consider:

  1. Taping a cut-out heart on the inside of their shoe or costume to remind them you are pulling for them.

  2. Choosing a favorite stuffed animal to watch the show from their seat in the audience (please note that toys and stuffed animals are not allowed on the stage during the performance).

  3. Holding a "practice show" at home so your child can get used to the feeling of being "on stage."

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Costume List Annual Performance 2019

(We sell white and nude tights at the front desk for $5.)


Tuesday 3:00 (front) Glow & Shoefly Pie  $40

Tap & Ballet: White with lavender and blue trim dance dress

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights.

Tuesday 3:00 (back) Sunny Side of the Street & Raymonda  $45

Tap: Red dance dress 

Ballet: Red dance dress, black skirt, and red rose

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Tap: Black pants and red vest with a t-shirt or collared shirt under

Ballet: Black pants, white shirt and red sash

Tuesday 4:00 (front) Lava & Never Smile at a Crocodile $42

Tap & Ballet: Turquoise sequin dance dress

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Tuesday 4:00 (back) Tarantella & A Cover is Not the Book $50

Tap: Blue swing coat with cape, red gloves, and a red hair clip

Ballet: White and blue dance dress and flower headband

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Tuesday 5:00 (front) Happy Little Working Song &  Cruella di Vile $45

Tap: Black leotard, black sparkle tutu, dalmatian ears and tail (we will not be using the snout or the bow tie)

Ballet: Black leotard, black sparkle tutu, white apron & tiara

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights

Tuesday 5:00 (back) My Favorite Things & Everybody Wants to Be a Cat  $42

Tap: Periwinkle leotard, tutu, and cat ears and tail

Ballet: Periwinkle leotard and tutu

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights



Wednesday 9:30 Quiet as a Mouse $36

Girls: Turquoise Leotard and rainbow shinny skirt

Dancers will need to provide their own ballet pink tights

Boys: Turquoise t-shirt and rainbow shinny pants


Wednesday 10:30 The Unicorn Song & L-O-V-E  $36

Girls Tap: Pink leotard and sequin rainbow skirt

Girls Ballet: Pink leotard, sequin rainbow skirt and unicorn headband

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights

Boys tap: Royal blue t-shirt and rainbow pants

Boys ballet: Royal blue t-shirt, rainbow pants and unicorn headband

Wednesday 4:00 (front) True Colors & Trip a Little Light Fantastic $42

Tap & Ballet: Blue dance dress and silver bow for the hair

Dancers will need to provide their own nude colored tights

Dancers will need to provide their own leotard to be worn under their dance dress.  It is unlikely the leotard will show. so any color is fine, but white, blue, or black is preferred. 


Wednesday 4:00 (back) TBD

Wednesday 5:00 (front) $40

Jazz: striped jumpsuit

Tap: Black leggings or dance pants, white t-shirt, and flannel shirt

Dancers will need to provide their own black pants and flannel shirts


Wednesday 5:00 (back) $32

Jazz: Red shorts, sequin fringe skirt, and black top

Dancers will need to provide their own black top or leotard and style



Thursday 9:30 The Unicorn Song & L-O-V-E  $36

Girls Tap: Pink leotard and sequin rainbow skirt

Girls Ballet: Pink leotard, sequin rainbow skirt and unicorn headband

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights

Boys tap: Royal blue t-shirt and rainbow pants

Boys ballet: Royal blue t-shirt, rainbow pants and unicorn headband

Thursday 4:00 (front) Elephants & When I See an Elephant Fly $47

Tap & Ballet: Pink tutu dress, elephant tail, ears and gloves

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Thursday 4:00 (back) Jellyfish & Teach the World to Sing $45

Tap: Silver leotard and ice blue skirt

Ballet: Silver leotard, light up tutu and light up hair clip

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Thursday 5:00 (front) Swans & Surfin’ Safari $48

Tap: White leotard, Hawaiian print skirt and flower hair clip

Ballet: White leotard, white tutu, sequin wings and feather headband

Dancers will need to provide their own nude tights


Thursday 5:00 (back) Dynamite! $22

Jazz: Black leggings or dance pants, purple tunic and gold belt

Dancers will need to provide their own black pants

Gold belts are on loan from Angela (please return after the show)




Saturday 9:00 Everyday Princess & Royal Doulton $45

Tap & Ballet: Purple tutu dress

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Saturday 9:00 Doe, a Deer & Ballin’ the Jack $40

Tap: fuchsia leotard, black fringe skirt and flapper headband

Ballet: fuchsia leotard and flower petal tutu skirt

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Saturday 10:00 I Could’ve Danced all Night & Stray Cat Strut $48

Tap: fuchsia leotard, fuchsia & gold tutu, jean vest, cat ears & tail

Ballet: fuchsia leotard and white chiffon ballet skirt 

Dancers will need to provide their own white tights


Saturday 10:00 Wings & We Got the Beat $42

Tap: Jumpsuit, neon green gloves, headband and jelly bracelets

Jazz: Jumpsuit and gold sash tied in a square knot on the right side of the dancer.


Saturday 11:00 Appalachian Spring & Anything Goes $46

Tap & Ballet: White leotard and water color lace dance dress

Dances will need to provide their own nude tights 


Saturday 11:00 Me Too & Sing TBD

Saturday 12:00 There’s Nothing Holding Me Back & Crazy Little Thing Called Love TBD

Saturday 12:00 A Little Party Never Killed Nobody & Woman in the White House $35

Tap: Dancers will need to put together their own black and white power suit with a hot pink accessory.

Jazz: price includes net tights and accessory pack (headband, gloves, pearls etc.) 1920’s sparkle skirt is on loan from Angela (please return after the show). You will need to provide your own black leotard (any style black leotard is fine).





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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Dress Rehearsal + Steppin' Out April News

The dress rehearsal schedule has been released! Please mark your calendars for your time slot and review details below so your family can get the most out of this important activity.  Also, keep your eyes peeled for performance flyers (arriving at the studio soon!)

Each dancer who will be participating in the annual performance will be charged a performance fee. This fee covers free admission for an unlimited number of guests and a free video link to the recorded version of the show. Fees are $40 per dancer (for multiple dancers from the same family, add $10 for your second dancer and $5 for your third [or more!] dancer/s, etc.). Please see the front desk to pay by check, cash, or credit card. (Please note that the parking lot will be available during our dress rehearsal at no charge; however, there will be a $10 cash-only fee for parking during the performance.)

Our dress rehearsal will be on Sunday May 19th at Everett Middle School. Dancers only attend during their class' scheduled hour (unless otherwise noted). Rehearsal provides a great opportunity for dancers to get a feel for the stage and will add to the excitement of the performance. We are very excited to announce that Natalia Perez of Natalia Perez Photography will once again be capturing the magic on stage the day of our dress rehearsal!
1) Please arrive on time. We have over 200 dancers and only a short amount of time for each class to practice. Your call window is an hour, but we may be able to dismiss some dancers earlier if we stay on schedule. You will share your hour with other classes, so please bring something to do while you wait.

2) Dancers should wear their costumes and all accessories. This is also a great way to verify that they have everything they need.

3) The school parking lot will offer free parking during the rehearsal.

4) Dancers may wear make up to the dress rehearsal as our photographer will be capturing the moment.

5) The dress rehearsal is an opportunity for the dancers to get up on stage and practice before the big day--plus it's a lot of fun!

Costumes are beginning to arrive and fittings will take place in the studio over the next month. Once all the costumes are complete, a costume price list will be available. Please let Angela know should you need costume assistance. 

We all know that April showers bring May flowers, but they also leave us with a lot of puddles. Practice your leaps outside the studio so shoes can stay clean! Here are six tips for great leaps.

Space is still available for summer camp! Camp is designed for children ages 5-12 and runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (with drop off as early as 8:30 a.m.) Monday through Friday. Our tuition of $325/week includes all activities plus a healthy snack. Camp is offered for two weeks this summer, June 10-14 and June 17-21. Register for either or both!

Steppin' Out wants to extend its gratitude to our wonderful long-term subs, Maggie and Melissa, who covered for Zoe while Zoe was out. Thank you for being incredible additions to our studio! We can't wait to work with you again. And Zoe, we're thrilled to have you back--we've missed you!

Teacher Sonja and Teacher Emily are both featured in the Mark Foehringer Dance Project's production of Alice in Wonderland, which runs April 6th through 14th at the Fort Mason Center. Go see our amazing teachers in action--get more information or buy tickets now!

Ask your dancers what part of the performance they are most excited about. Visualizing it in advance will help calm nerves.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Dress Rehearsal Schedule Announced

Dress Rehearsal—Sunday May 19, 2019, Everett Middle School (450 Church St)


Tuesday 3:00 (front)  Glow & Shoefly Pie

Tuesday 3:00 (back) Spanish Dance & Sunny Side of the Street

Tuesday 4:00 (front) Lava & Never Smile at a Crocodile

Tuesday 4:00 (back) Tarantella & A Cover is Not the Book


Tuesday 5:00 (front) Happy Little Working Song & Cruella De Vile

Tuesday 5:00 (back) My Favorite Things & Everybody Wants to be a Cat

Wednesday 9:30 Quiet As a Mouse 

Wednesday 10:30 The Unicorn Song & L-O-V-E

Thursday 9:30 The Unicorn Song & L-O-V-E

Thursday 4:00 (back) Jelly Fish & I’d like to Teach the World to Sing


Thursday 4:00 (front) Elephants & When I See an Elephant Fly

Thursday 5:00 (front) Swans & Surfin’ Safari

Wednesday 4:00 (Front) True Colors & Trip a Little Light Fantastic

Saturday 9:00 (front) Doe, a Deer & Ballin’ the Jack

Saturday 9:00 (back) The Royal Doulton Music Hall & Everyday Princess

Saturday 10:00 (front) I Could’ve Danced All Night & Stray Cat Strut


Wednesday 4:00 (back) Different Drum & Welcome to the 60’s 

Saturday 10:00 (back) Wings & We Got the Beat

Saturday 11:00 (front) Appalachian Spring & Anything Goes

Saturday 12:00 (front) There’s Nothing Holding Me Back & Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Thursday 5:00 (danceABILITY) Dynamite


Saturday 11:00 (back) Me Too & Sing

Saturday 12:00 (back) A Little Party Never Killed Nobody & Woman in the White House

Wednesday 5:00 (front) Sucker & Faith

Wednesday 5:00 (jazz) Shake the Room

Wednesday 6:00 (ballet) Stop Everything! It’s Snowing 

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Summer Camp Registration Announcement

Steppin' Out is so excited to announce that we will offer two weeks of camp this summer at Steppin' Out for the first time ever. Campers will enjoy delightful and age-appropriate activities and surprises, including dance and yoga, dramatic games, board games, a featured activity, and a trip to our local park. Plus each Tuesday we will walk to Mission Science Workshop on 18th and Church St. for a fun and enriching science workshop, followed by lunch in Dolores Park!

General information: 

Week 1: June 10-14 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (drop off as early as 8:30 a.m.)

Week 2: June 17-21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (drop off as early as 8:30 a.m.)

Campers must be 5-12 years old to attend. Tuition is $325/week and includes all activities and a healthy snack (campers must bring their own lunches). Steppin’ Out maintains a 5-1 camper-teacher ratio. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or visit our Summer Camp page.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Springing Forward + Steppin' Out March News

Spring semester is in full swing and your dancers are doing great! As we have already started working on choreography in class, it is especially important that dancers attend consistently--please do your best to make that possible. Also, as many families are now beginning to plan activities in May and June, we wanted to remind you to add the show dates and performances times to your calendars (and don't forget to invite friends and family in advance!). 

We are thrilled to announce that we will offer two weeks of camp this summer at Steppin' Out. We'll be sending you a registration link and more details on March 11th, but please mark the following camp weeks in your calendars:

Week#1: June 10-14
Week #2: June 17-21 

Camp is designed for children ages 5-12 and runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (with drop off as early as 8:30 a.m.) Monday through Friday. Our tuition of $325/week includes all activities plus a healthy snack. More information to come!

Every wonder how dancers get those gorgeous pointed toes mid-leap? Practice really helps! Your dancers can start seated. Have them practice pointing and flexing their toes while sitting on the floor with their legs extended out in front of them. Ask them to sit up tall and then pull their toes back toward their faces while pushing out through their heels, then have them slowly point their toes away from their feet, curving their entire arch and extending through their toes. Ask them to move slowly...and then quickly. Over time, they'll build stronger and more flexible feet for all aspects of their dancing.

Starting March 6th, teacher Greta Schoenberg will be holding a small group class for moms and babies at Steppin' Out on Wednesdays from 11-12 p.m. Her class features simple exercises for improving postpartum strength and alignment in a baby-friendly atmosphere. Greta will also include the little ones with games, songs, and basic sign language. Babies and toddlers of all levels of mobility welcome. Space is limited and registration is required (book through Greta's website).

Teacher Sonja and Teacher Emily are both featured in the Mark Foehringer Dance Project's production of Alice in Wonderland, which runs April 6th through 14th at the Fort Mason Center. Go see our amazing teachers in action--get more information or buy tickets now!

Show your dancers that you love dance too--perhaps by going to a dance class or performance yourself.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Spring Semester Begins + Steppin' Out February News

Spring semester has begun! We are now starting the process of working on choreography for our annual dance performance on June 1st and 2nd (and our performance line up is now available). While this performance is not mandatory, over the next couple of weeks, Angela will be measuring students for costumes to be ordered in March, so please do let us know if you would prefer not to participate so we do not accidentally order a costume for your dancer.

Classes have been filling fast, but we still have space in our Tuesday 3-4 p.m. Tap/Ballet Beginning II class for dancers 6-8 years old and our Thursday 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling class for dancers 3-5 years old. Please spread the word!

With all the lovely rain we've been enjoying, it might make sense to book an indoor party. Steppin' Out offers fabulous and fun movement-themed birthday parties of any kind, from basic to turn-key, at can't-be-beat pricing. Reserve yours now.

Even though we primarily choreograph for groups or individuals at Steppin' Out, it's always good to get practice with a partner. Dancing with another person doesn't have to mean learning a formal step. You can expose your dancers to the idea of synchronizing movement with a basic mirroring exercise. Have your dancers lead while you follow, then ask them to mirror you. Awareness of the movement of other dancers is the first step toward an effective, synchronized group performance. 

In honor of Valentine's Day, we thought your family might like Ms. Mojo's complication of the "Top Ten Romantic Dance Scenes in Movies." 

Get your dancers books for their dance bags so that each time they get a sticker after class, they can add a page to their book (and have fun revisiting their stickers later). Try Daiso in Potrero Center for lots of great notebook options.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Steppin' Out 2019 Performance Line Up

Saturday June 1st 11:00 performance:
Tuesday 3:00 Beginning I
Tuesday 3:00 Beginning II
Tuesday 4:00 Pre-ballet/tap
Tuesday 4:00 Beginning III
Tuesday 5:00 Beginning II
Tuesday 5:00 Pre-ballet/tap
Wednesday 10:30 Pre-ballet/tap
Wednesday 4:00 Intermediate II
Wednesday 5:00 Intermediate II/III
Wednesday 5:00 Adv. Jazz
Wednesday 6:00 Adv. Ballet
Thursday 9:30 Pre-ballet/tap
Saturday 12:00 Advanced

Saturday June 1st 2:00 performance:
Wednesday 9:30 Creative Movement
Wednesday 4:00 Intermediate 1
Thursday 4:00 Beginning I
Thursday 4:00 Beginning II
Thursday 5:00 Beginning II
Thursday 5:00 danceABILITY
Saturday 9:00 Pre-ballet/tap
Saturday 9:00 Beginning I
Saturday 10:00 Beginning II
Saturday 10:00 Intermediate II
Saturday 11:00 Intermediate I
Saturday 11:00 Intermediate III
Saturday 12:00 danceABILITY
Saturday 12:00 Advanced
Wednesday 5:00 Advanced Jazz
Wednesday 6:00 Advanced Ballet

Sunday June 2nd 5:00 performance:
Wednesday 4:00 Intermediate I
Wednesday 4:00 Intermediate II
Wednesday 5:00 Intermediate II/III
Wednesday 5:00 Adv. Jazz
Wednesday 6:00 Adv. Ballet
Thursday 5:00 danceABILITY
Saturday 10:00 Intermediate II
Saturday 11:00 Intermediate I
Saturday 11:00 Intermediate III
Saturday 12:00 danceABILITY
Saturday 12:00 Advanced

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Steppin' Out Spring Registration Is Now Open!

Ready to register for spring? Please read the substitute information for Teacher Zoe below, then register now. Note that website visitors have a two-day head start to register before we open general registration on Wednesday, January 16th.

This year, spring semester runs for seventeen weeks, from 2/2/19-5/30/19, and focuses on choreography in preparation for the optional annual performance (dress rehearsal Sunday, 5/19, and performances the weekend of 6/1-6/2). You can learn more about our classes here, our tuition and policies here, and our teachers here.

We are excited to announce that Teacher Zoe has been cast in A Chorus Line! This means she will be away in February and March. We are pleased that Maggie Connard will be covering Zoe's Saturday classes during February and March and Melissa Vesel will be covering Zoe's Wednesday classes during February and March. 

  • Learn more about Maggie here.

  • Learn more about Melissa here.

Reach out to Angela at any time--and don't forget to register now!

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Melissa Vesel


MELISSA VESEL is a San Francisco-based dancer, choreographer and instructor.  Born and raised in Wisconsin, she received her training and BFA in Dance and Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee in 2015.  There, she studied with and performed in works with various artist including Maria Gillespie, Simone Ferro, Luc Vanier, Gerald Casel, Stephen Petronio and many others.  Post college, Melissa moved to New York City, performed with Hanna Q Dance Company, and presented at various events held by The Kitchen, Gibney and The Barrow Group.  After relocating to San Francisco in September 2018, Melissa has been teaching cycling and dance at studios throughout the city. 

Melissa will be covering Zoe’s Wednesday classes during the first half of Spring 2019.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Maggie Connard

MAGGIE CONNARD is a teaching artist and performer who graduated with a BA in Dance from Point Park University (rated in the top 5 dance programs in the US). She teaches Rhythm and Motion and barre fitness at ODC, and has taught ballet, jazz, tap and musical theatre dance to children. Maggie  has performed with EmDance, Leyya Tawil's Dance Elixir, Deborah Slater Dance Theatre, and Printz Dance Project, among others. She also loves musical theatre and has performed in local productions of "A Chorus Line', "Singing in the Rain", "Chicago", "Cabaret" and "White Christmas.”

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Happy New Year, Spring Registration & Steppin' Out January News

Happy New Year! We're so excited to see our dancers back in the studio. Remember that classes resume Saturday, January 5th and that fall semester extends through the end of January. We hope all of our dancers will also continue with us for spring semester; see below for information on how to register.
Details on spring semester are here! This year, spring semester runs for seventeen weeks, from 2/2/19-5/30/19, and focuses on choreography in preparation for the optional annual performance (dress rehearsal Sunday, 5/19, and performances the weekend of 6/1-6/2). You can learn more about our classes here and our tuition and policies here.

Currently-enrolled students should continue in the same class for the spring semester and will receive a priority registration link on Monday, January 7th to re-enroll for spring. Students wishing to change class times or new students wishing to join the studio may enroll for any class of the appropriate age range and level once newsletter registration opens on Monday, January 14th. (Please note that some students may have aged up during the year but should continue in the class they were eligible for as of Fall 2018.)

In exciting news, Teacher Zoe has been cast in A Chorus Line! This means we will have a long-term substitute teaching Zoe's classes in February and March (Zoe will return to the studio in early April). We'll send more information in the registration emails.

The shuffle in tap is a foundational movement that creates a double rhythm of two brushes linked together--plus it's fun to practice (with or without tap shoes). To help your dancers master the shuffle, have them practice the brush, first brushing their feet forward several times, then backward. Once dancers can do both brushes, combine them together into a shuffle (brush forward and then immediately back). For more of a challenge, try shuffling in different directions around the room. 

Watch Georgian dancers perform astonishing choreographed battle scenes using actual swords in this brief documentary film on Erisioni, the Georgian national ensemble.

Ask your dancers to draw a picture of dance class over the break. Visualizing the classroom may help children transition successfully back to class.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Happy Holidays! Steppin' Out Winter Break Has Begun

The studio is now closed for winter recess. Classes resume on Saturday, January 5th; however, fall semester classes continue through January 31st, so please do come back after break! Registration for spring semester, running February through May, will begin January 7th. Please keep your eye out for the January newsletter for details.

Winter Camp Reminder
If you're in need of childcare over the break, please consider winter camp for campers ages 5-12. Pick only the days you need (between one and six) at only $65/day ($80 on field trip Fridays to cover expenses). Camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with drop off as early as 8:30 a.m., and each day includes at least 45 minutes of yoga and/or dance plus stimulating activities like coloring, games, and books during free time. We also have a special featured activity (baking, sewing, or crafts) or field trip each day. During lunch we go to the In Chan Kaajal Park on Shotwell & 17th. We always maintain a 5:1 camper:teacher ratio.

Camp is offered the following days: 

  • Thursday December 27th & Friday December 28th

  • Monday December 31st, Wednesday January 2nd, Thursday January 3rd, & Friday January 4th

To learn more:
To register:

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Winter Camp, Winter Break, & Steppin' Out December News

December has arrived! This month, students will continue working on technique. Winter dance choreography and combinations allow students to practice learning and remembering choreography.  Our young dancers will learn the story of The Nutcracker as well as choreography to its music by the famous Tchaikovsky. It's a wonderful time of year.

  • Winter Break for Steppin' Out classes runs for two weeks, from December 21st-Jan 4th. The studio will be closed for classes during that time (but open for Winter Camp; see below). Your tuition already reflects this closure.

  • After break, please come back! Fall classes will resume on January 5th, and our fall semester classes run through January 31st.

  • Mark your calendars for January 7th for our spring registration. A reminder will be sent out in the January newsletter with instructions for registering for our spring classes. Spring semester runs from Feb.1st-May 31st.

Winter Camp registration is now open! Steppin' Out offers a super flexible, fun, and enriching option for kids to enjoy winter break. Whether you need coverage the whole break or just for a day here or there, we've got you covered. Come take advantage of our magical winter days packed full of delightful, age-appropriate activities and surprises. Register now or learn more on our Winter Camp page.

This month we're focusing on first-position demi plie, though more advanced dancers can move on to second and fifth position plie. To find your own first position (using your own natural "turn out" without forcing your feet out), stand with your feet together, lift just your toes and, keeping your knees straight, rotate from the hips to open your toes, then place your feet on the floor wherever they naturally land from this hip rotation. Your first position should look like a slice of pizza. For the demi plie, bend your knees slowly, making sure your knees track over your toes (which should create a diamond shape). Demi means half, so keep your heels on the ground as you bend your knees only halfway down, then push into the floor and lift your core to rise back up. Demi plies in second and fifth position follow the same practice of turning out the feet from the hips and tracking the knees over the toes while the heels stay on the ground. 

It's time for our annual "nutcracker" reminder! During this time of year, many families choose to see this classic holiday ballet performed live. While there are many excellent options in the Bay Area, here are a few of our favorites:

The classic, featuring breathtaking performances and spectacular sets: 
San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker

The 50-minute version, perfect for the younger crowd featuring Steppin' Out's ballet teacher Sonja Dale!
Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets 

The whimsical, audience-participation option:
Dance Along Nutcracker: Clara and Potter

We at Steppin' Out think watching a recorded version of The Nutcracker shouldn't count as screen time, right? In any case, we recommend it, as watching dance is a great way to improve dance skills and get inspired to perform.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Halloween! + Steppin' Out October News

We have really enjoyed reconnecting with our returning dancers and meeting our new ones this month. The transition into fall has been going smoothly and we are already approaching Halloween. This month we will begin fine tuning the details of the steps we've been working on in September while incorporating them into the choreography of our Halloween dances. Please see below for details.

During the month of October, we play Halloween music and work on special Halloween choreography. This mini-choreography session prepares our dancers to learn their performance dances in the spring. Choreography will be practiced and added to each week during the month of October. 

Please encourage your dancers to wear costumes to any class between October 24th and October 30th--we'd love to see them! If costumes aren't ready, please feel free to wear something else special. 

The studio will be closed the day of Halloween (Wednesday October 31st). If your dancers attend Wednesday classes, you have notbeen charged for this class. Please enjoy Halloween!

Appropriate for students five years and older unless they have neck problems, the tripod (sometimes referred to as the pumpkin) strengthens core muscles while relieving stress and increasing blood flow. Plus it's a lot of fun! Have your dancers start by sitting on their knees and placing their hands flat on the floor shoulder distance apart. The top of their heads should make the tip of the triangle when placed on the ground (rugs or thin blankets are ok for padding of the head but please no pillows). Once their "base" is solid, ask them to slowly lift their hips over their shoulders and as they tighten their tummies and lift their knees onto their elbows. You can "spot" as they do this or they can use the wall for extra support.

More advanced students can try a full headstand. Follow the same beginning steps as for tripod, but extend the legs upward to a full headstand pose. Make sure the body is aligned straight up and down and the hips are over the shoulders.

Please join us for a very special free event with Teacher Angela: Perfectly Normal for Me is a documentary that profiles a group of kids aged 5 to 15 who explore what it’s like to live with a variety of physical and developmental challenges. After the film, Angela and Steppin' Out danceABILITY students will talk about how dance has benefited their bodies and their lives. Part of the San Francisco Dance Film Festival, this event happens thisSunday, October 7th, at 2 p.m. at the SF Public Library's Koret Auditorium (100 Larkin Street) and is free and open to the public.

New families, did you know that Steppin' Out offers birthday parties on the weekends? Best of all they are entirely flexible so that you can plan the exact party you want, from basic to turn-key, at can't-be-beat pricing. Learn more.

Your children will be learning a fun new dance this month--ask them to show you at home! "Performing" offers your dancers a great opportunity to practice being in the spotlight while also challenging them to remember choreography, sequences and patterns. 

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Classes Begin This Week! + Steppin' Out September News

Classes begin Tuesday, September 4th! We are so excited to see your kids, whether they are new to the studio or returning. Our youngest dancers will spend the first week getting to know the teachers and each other and learning how taking class works (including standing at the barre and waiting their turn). Dancers who are not new to Steppin' Out will start off slowly reviewing the steps we ended with last year as they get their bodies back into the swing of dance.

Please remember that while we don't have a uniform, we do have a dress code. We also ask parents to drop off dancers aged seven and older (but if you must stay, please keep quiet in the studio).  See our "Tuition and Policies" page for details.

Steppin' Out is offering a special, limited-time promotion for the classes below. Take $30 off when you register now or drop in for the first two weeks of class for free (contact Angelato take advantage of this offer). We'd also appreciate it if you would share this opportunity with friends!

  • Tuesday 3-4 p.m. Tap/Ballet Beginning II ages 6-8 with Angela Rose Dorantes & Emily Hansel
  • Tuesday 5-6 p.m. Tap/Pre-ballet/tumbling ages 3-5 with Angela Rose Dorantes & Emily Hansel
  • Wednesday 9:30-10:15 a.m. Creative Movement ages 2.5-4 with Angela Rose Dorantes
  • Wednesday 4-5 p.m. Tap/Ballet Intermediate I ages 7-9* with Angela Rose Dorantes & Zoe Swenson-Graham

Talk to your dancers about keeping their shoes clean. Dance shoes are for indoors only. Tap shoes might only be for the studio unless you have very patient neighbors. Ballet shoes may be worn at home for practice but not outside on the street.

See our August newsletter for suggestions about buying clothes and shoes.

Here are two additions to that information:

  1. Discount dance is offering us 8% off and free shipping for orders of $49 and more. Use school code 68142 when you visit their website.
  2. Give Shoes/Take Shoes: If your dance shoes from last year don't fit but they are still in good condition, please donate them to our revolving shoe bin.  If you need a pair of shoes, you are welcome to look in our free shoe bin and take any shoes that work.

Studio director Angela and Winter Break teacher Pearl have teamed up so that parents and older teens (15+) don't have to miss out on crafting fun! The first of an ongoing event series happens on Sunday, September 16th. Treat yourself to a well-deserved afternoon of relaxation and crafting. This first workshop will send you home with a personally designed set of throw pillows to beautify your own space or gift to a loved one. Art supplies provided and wine and other non-alcoholic beverages are complimentary. Learn more or register here.

Tapping your toes can build foot strength as well as body awareness and it's also a great preparation for tap class. Have your children tap their toes up and down, alternating left and right. You can play some music or, if you have patient neighbors, have your kids put on their tap shoes and make their own music. Ask them to try to keep a steady rhythm, first tapping their toes on each beat and then tapping double time!

As you and your family return to dance this fall, we though you all might enjoy this multi-generational family dance video with choreography by Phil Wright.

Especially as kids adjust to their new fall schedules, all routines matters (whether bedtime routines, weekly routines, or dance routines!). Kids do better when they know what is expected of them. Having trouble getting out of the house in the morning? Remember what to do by making your morning routine a well-choreographed dance.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Register for Fall + Steppin' Out August News

It's registration time! Newsletter subscribers may register for fall starting now. General public registration begins this Friday, August 10th and all spaces are first-come, first-served for qualified dancers, so please register as soon as possible. 

Here's a reminder about selecting classes:

  • Continuing students are invited to return to their same time slot even if its level has increased. You may also select any other time slot of the same level.
  • New beginning students may register for any age-appropriate class that follows the pre-requisite requirements (or feel free to contact Angelaif you meet the age requirements but not the pre-requisites--she'll help you find the right class). 
  • New students entering at the intermediate level or higher will have the opportunity to audition. To schedule an audition, please contact Angela.

Still have registration questions? Feel free to contact Angela.

Birthday parties are once again available after 2 p.m. on Saturdays and all day on Sundays, so now is the time to plan a fabulous and fun movement-themed birthday party of any kind, from basic to turn-key, at can't-be-beat pricing. Learn more.

Please go watch (and share with your kids) this incredible clip of the CCN Ballet de Lorraine on the soccer field in Paris this past May.

Every year around this time we forward you some basic information about shopping for dance attire in San Francisco so you can get prepared for the start of the fall semester on September 4th. If you're curious about our casual and supportive dress code, you can read it at the bottom of our tuition and policies page.

If you are buying new shoes, please buy black tap shoes and pink ballet shoes for girls and black dance shoes for boys. For teens, please buy black tap and jazz shoes, pink or nude ballet shoes, and nude character shoes (if needed). If you already have shoes or find some second hand, any color is fine!

We do have some tap and ballet shoes in the shoe bin for you to use on a first come, first-served basis. If you find a pair that fits, feel free to take it. If you've outgrown an old pair, we'd love your old shoes back so that another student might benefit from them. 

Otherwise try:


  • Target has a dance section
  • Sears also offers dance and active wear
  • eBay and craigslist are good sources for second-hand dance attire

Ask your children what their favorite part of spring season was. This will keep dance on their mind while we wait for fall season to begin.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Fall Schedule Posted! + Steppin' Out July News

Our fall schedule is here! Please take a moment to view it as registration will begin on July 30th for returning families and August 6th for other newsletter subscribers. You can also view our tuition and policy information for details about fall pricing and dates. And don't forget to watch your inbox for notification when registration begins. 

We are thrilled to welcome Emily Hansel as our new Tuesday and Thursday teacher (taking over for Teacher Dora). Emily is a San Francisco-based dancer, choreographer, and dance instructor who earned a BFA in Dance Performance from the University of South Florida and currently teaches at ODC, Linda Bulgo's Musical Productions, and now Steppin' Out Dance Studio! We also want to wish Dora Donovan all the best as she finishes her senior year at SF State. We hope we'll have a chance to see her around the studio once and a while this year (and more consistently in the future!).

Other returning teachers include Teacher AngelaTeacher ZoeTeacher Sonja, and Teacher Olivia. We're looking forward to a wonderful fall.


  • Continuing students are invited to return to their same time slot even if its level has increased. You may also select any other time slot of the same level.
  • New beginning students may register for any age-appropriate class that follows the pre-requisite requirements (or feel free to contact Angelaif you meet the age requirements but not the pre-requisites--she'll help you find the right class). 
  • New students entering at the intermediate level or higher will have the opportunity to audition. To schedule an audition, please contact Angela.

2017-18 families should have already received an email with links to dress rehearsal photos and performance videos. Please check your inbox or email Leila for assistance.

Please explore this incredible profile of Teacher Olivia and her journey to follow her dreams through dance (starting at age two!). The story also includes some of Steppin' Out's history and the founding of our danceABILITY company and classes. Read the text but please also watch the amazing video that features interviews with both Olivia and Angela. I don't think we've ever had such an important and meaningful "dance in the news"--a must read/must watch!

While your children enjoy their summer break from dancing, it's a great time to work on flexibility. Child's pose can build flexibility in the hips, thighs, and ankles while also releasing the back and lengthening the spine. Have your children begin on their hands and knees with their knees apart but their big toes touching. As they exhale, they should sit their hips back on their ankles and rest their foreheads on the floor. Arms can be extended with palms down or released along the thighs with palms up. See if they can build up the duration of their pose, starting with a few seconds and working up to two minutes or even more.

Need some dance this summer? Students aged 12-18 can study at the Berkeley Ballet Theater with Teacher Sonja for four weeks from July 23rd to August 13th. Register here.

Download your child's performance video and make it a movie night! Make popcorn and watch the show with the family or friends. Your children will love seeing themselves on the big screen.

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Angela Dorantes Angela Dorantes

Teacher Olivia's Story

Please explore this incredible profile of Teacher Olivia and her journey to follow her dreams through dance (starting at age two!). The story also includes some of Steppin' Out's history and the founding of our danceABILITY company and classes. Read the text but please also watch the amazing video that features interviews with both Olivia and Angela--a must read/must watch!

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