Performance Info + Steppin' Out May News
Our end of the year performance is right around the corner! Family, friends, and community are invited to join us on Saturday, June 3rd for three performances at the Riordan High School Theater (175 Frida Kahlo Way). Show times are 11:00-1:00, 3:00-5:00, and 6:00-7:00 (Advanced Dancer Showcase).
Steppin' Out families will receive a private link to a professional recording of each performance. If you have family or friends that aren't able to make it to the show, you will be able to share the video with them.
Regular classes will continue throughout the month of May. Please note there is no class on June 1 & 2. Nearly all of our performance choreography has been taught and this month we will work on details like spacing, memorization without the teachers' help, and performance quality. Part of this preparation includes an onstage rehearsal. All performers are scheduled for an onsite rehearsal during the week of May 22-25. Enrolled families, please check out this onsite rehearsal schedule and plan to attend. We want to make sure that every student feels prepared and confident so when the big day comes they can enjoy themselves and have a wonderful performance experience. Additionally, please note that your costumes will be available for pick-up at the studio (once you've paid your invoice) throughout the month of May.
This year, we will be offering a two week summer camp for kids ages 6-12! Join Angela & Pearl for a fun filled summer camp experience with some dance & Yoga, arts & crafts, popsicle making, and much more! Choose either or both weeks: June 19-23 + June 26-30. Camp will consist of a structured activity each day but we will also take daily trips to the park for fresh air and free time. Other than playing in the playground, some of our other favorite things to do at the park are playing soccer, hula-hooping, and cartwheels in the grass.
Summer Camp Info + Registration
National Tap Dance Day is May 25th! Perhaps you can celebrate by practicing your tap dance at home. We recommend tapping on a hard surface that can get a little scuffed up, like a concrete garage floor or wooden tap board.
After a performance, dancers bow while they receive applause from their audience. Your bow can be a sign of gratitude to the audience for witnessing and enjoying. With your feet together, bend forward at the waist. For our youngest dancers, who are still a little top heavy, we ask that they keep their faces front looking at the audience. Our older dancers can drop their heads during their bow.
Summer Camp Registration + Steppin' Out April News
Excitement is in the air at Steppin' Out as we prepare for our end of year performance! As various classes are trying on costumes, you might find more sequins than usual on our studio floors!
Our big performance date is June 3rd, and we invite everyone to mark your calendars, whether you're an enrolled family or just a newsletter subscriber. Everyone is invited to attend, and it can be a great way to learn more about our school before enrolling in classes next year.
For our enrolled families:
You'll get an email from us soon that includes a lot of performance information, including the performance fee, costume logistics, which classes are performing at what time of day, and a playlist of performance songs that you can use while practicing at home, so stay tuned!
Parents and caregivers are invited to watch classes during the week of April 25-29. Come see a sneak peek of the choreography our students have been working on for the end of year performance!
This year, we will be offering a two week summer camp for kids ages 6-12! Join Angela & Pearl for a fun filled summer camp experience with some dance & Yoga, arts & crafts, popsicle making, and much more! Choose either or both weeks: June 19-23 + June 26-30. Camp will consist of a structured activity each day but we will also take daily trips to the park for fresh air and free time. Other than playing in the playground some of our other favorite things to do at the park are playing soccer, hula-hooping, and cartwheels in the grass.
Summer Camp Info + Registration
Teacher Erin is performing in AURUM by Kinetech Arts at 836M Gallery in North Beach on April 21 and 28. The performance is open to all ages, but will likely be most engaging for teenagers and adults. Learn more and get tickets—it's free!
Skipping is second nature for many of our students at Steppin' Out. But for our youngest ones, it be difficult when you're first learning how. Try breaking it down like this: stand on one foot and hop, then stand on the other foot and hop. It can also be helpful to hold hands while both of you skip, so the young dancer can feel the rhythm in your body. For those who are already comfortable with the cadence of skipping, try adding a ballet flavor with pointed feet and high knees.
Performance Date + Steppin' Out March News
This month we have several important reminders for enrolled families, so bear with us before we get to the good stuff...
Save the date: Our spring performances will take place on Saturday, June 3rd! More details coming soon, but for now please mark your calendars. Teacher Angela and her mother Maureen (you might know her as the front desk lady with the stickers) will be measuring students for costumes in the coming weeks.
Please note that Steppin' Out does not close for spring break. We understand you may have a trip planed, but if you're in town during your break, come dance with us! We will be open for classes every week from now until the end of the semester.
Finally, we want to remind you to check the lost and found for items that belong to you. Everything that's left in the lost and found at the end of March will be donated, so make sure to check it out in the next couple weeks.
This popular Youtube video has been inspiring teacher Angela for the last couple months, which means it must be worth sharing! It features classic dance scenes from popular movies of the last several decades set to the energetic song, "I'm So Excited." Can you spot any people or movies you recognize?
The San Fran Tap Festival is happening March 11-12. The festival concludes with a big concert by some incredible tappers on March 12!
A plié is a fundamental movement used in all kinds of dance styles, but the terminology comes from ballet. You can do a plié in any position that involves standing on two legs, like 6th position or 1st position. We often talk about a plié being a simple bend in the knees, but you'll notice that your ankles and hips are also flexing as you plié. It can be helpful to think about the crown of your head and your upper body staying tall while the action of the plié occurs in the lower body.
Just like any other skill, the best way to get better at a new dance move is to practice it. If the weather is nice, head to the park and practice cartwheels in the grass. Have your dancer put on a show after dinner and ask them to show you what they are working on. Practice makes progress.
Spring Semester + Steppin' Out February News
February is the beginning of our spring semester, and we are excited to have so many students joining us in the studios! This is the time of year when we begin working on choreography that will eventually be performed in our end of year performance. For many of our classes, this means that dancers will begin to learn new elements like spatial formations, group awareness, and partner steps. Participation in Steppin' Out's year-end performance is optional, but we encourage all students to be a part of it, as it is a fun and exciting experience. We'll be announcing details about the performance in the coming months, so stay tuned.
To our waitlist families, thank you for your interest in taking class at Steppin' Out. We do our best to accommodate as many students who want to dance as possible. During the first three weeks of this month, there might be some students that shift around to different classes, which might open new spaces. So hang in there. If a spot opens up, we will invite students from the waitlist and prorate the tuition accordingly.
Please take a moment to take a look at our studio policies regarding dress code, observation, and COVID safety.
If your dancer has grown out of their dance shoes and they are still in good shape, please consider donating them to our shoe bin! If you're ready for new shoes, take a look in our shoe bin before buying new. If you find a pair of shoes that fits, you are welcome to take them home and keep them. If they are still in good condition when you grow out of them, please donate them back for the next dancer to use.
Our lost and found is more full than usual! Can't find your favorite jacket or water bottle? Ask our studio staff to point you to the lost and found.
Tap dance emerged in the United States in the 1700's as a fusion of British and West African step-dance traditions. The Irish jig and West African gioube evolved into a form of dancing called “jigging,” which was taken up by white and black minstrel-show dancers who developed tap into a popular stage entertainment in the 1800's. In the early 1900's, metal plates (or taps) appeared on shoes of dancers on the Broadway musical stage. It was around that time that jazz tap dance developed as a musical form parallel to jazz music. In the late twentieth century, tap dance evolved into a concertized performance on the musical and concert hall stage. In the forties, tap grew to incorporate Latin American and Afro-Caribbean rhythms and in the eighties and nineties, began absorbing hip-hop rhythms as well.
Check out some of our favorite tap videos:
The Nicholas Brothers in "Stormy Weather" (1943)
Chloe Arnold's Syncopated Ladies in their ode to Beyonce's Formation (2018)
In tap dance, a cramp roll is where you first step onto one toe then the other, then you drop your heels in succession (toe, toe, heel, heel). You can play with the speed, going from really slow to as fast as you can while still distinguishing between the four sounds.
Spring Registration + Steppin' Out January News
Registration is now open for spring classes! During our spring session, which runs February 1st - May 31st, our dance students continue to expand their technique while meeting new challenges posed by our stellar faculty of teachers. Additionally, much of the spring semester will be spent learning choreography that will be performed at our end-of-season recital. (Participation in the performance is not mandatory, but it's a lot of fun!)
Masks were required for everyone last week, but moving forward, we will return to our mask optional policy for vaccinated students, parents, and teachers through the end of January.
Hold a birthday party at Steppin' Out! After taking a few years off due to the pandemic, we're excited to get back to throwing great parties for our students and other young dance lovers. We strive to keep our parties affordable and to offer unique options that you can choose from. Learn more.
An important part of remembering choreography and dancing with a group is counting the music you're dancing to, and a good way to practice this is to clap along to your favorite song. Many of the songs we dance to in class have 4 counts, or beats, per measure. In dance, a measure is usually musically paired with a second measure. These two measures equal a total of 8 counts, which is why dancers often count in sets of 8. One set of 8 is like a sentence. After every 8 count, another 8 count begins, then another, and another. Put on a song and try clapping on every beat of the music 1 through 8. Then try clapping on only the odd counts: 1, 3, 5, and 7. If you're up for more, switch it up and try clapping only on the even numbers. It can help to say the numbers aloud while clapping, but if you're ready for a challenge, try clapping without counting out loud.
Hope you're having a happy new year!
Winter Camps + Steppin' Out December News
This month, many of our students are learning winter-inspired choreography in the studio. We want to invite you to join us for a parent observation week December 12-17! If you can make it to the studio during your dancer's class time, we'd love for you to see what we've been working on.
We will be closed from December 19-January 2 for winter break, but don't forget to come back to class in January! Our fall semester extends through the end of January.
Masks will continue to be optional for vaccinated students, parents, and teachers through the end of December.
Steppin' Out will be offering two weeks of winter camp in December for kids ages 6-12! Join Angela & Pearl for a fun filled winter camp experience with some dance & yoga, arts & crafts, baking, and more! Learn more and register now.
Our spring semester, which culminates in a recital performed by all students, will run from February 1st through the end of May. The spring class schedule will be the same as our fall offerings. Families who are currently enrolled in classes will be given priority registration during the period of January 2nd-8th, so please mark your calendars. We will open registration for all newsletter subscribers interested in available spots starting on January 9th.
Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets is a wonderful performance that is truly accessible for all ages! Teacher Emily and 12 students from Steppin' Out will be performing in this 50-minute family favorite at the Cowell Theater in Fort Mason, December 3-18.
San Francisco Ballet's The Nutcracker is really special, but we recommend this performance for children over the age of 5 who can sit quietly without disturbing anyone for two hours. Teacher Angela recommends waiting until your dancer is at least 7 to attend this performance.
ODC's The Velveteen Rabbit is colorful dance production based on the classic children's book by Margery Williams. This show is great for the whole family!
Sit on your knees and place your head and hands on the ground. Your hands should be directly underneath your elbows, not in line with your head—you should be able to see your hands in front of you. Place your right knee on your right tricep and do the same with your left knee. Bring your feet together.
The best place to try this is on a rug or mat but if you only have hard floors at home, you can always fold up a sweatshirt to go under your head, and hands can be placed directly on the floor. A pillow is too squishy and doesn't support the neck, so refrain from using a pillow. We do not recommend this move for children under the age of 5.
Steppin' Out November News
For those of you wondering what Teacher Sonja has been up to, she's a new mom! Baby Dorothy, who graces the cover of this month's newsletter, was born October 14th. Congratulations to Sonja, who will be returning to teaching this January.
Thanks to those who made it to our recent parent observation week and watched our Halloween-inspired choreography! It was so much fun to see everyone in costume. Please remember that classes for students ages 6 and older are DROP OFF classes. For students ages 5 and younger, parents are allowed to stay in the studio (but staying is not required).
As we move into November, we will continue to build on technique and broaden our dance vocabulary.
We will be closed from November 21-27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Masks will continue to be optional for vaccinated students through November 19th. In anticipation of holiday travel, we will require everyone who enters the studio to wear a mask from November 28-December 3, regardless of vaccination status. After December 3rd, we plan to return to optional masking for vaccinated students.
Steppin' Out will be offering two weeks of winter camp in December for kids ages 6-12! Join Angela & Pearl for a fun filled winter camp experience with some dance & yoga, arts & crafts, baking, and more! Learn more and register now.
Teacher Emily and a cast of 12 students from Steppin' Out will be performing in Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets December 3-18 at the Cowell Theater in Fort Mason. Nutcracker Sweets is a 50-minute production of the classic holiday ballet for families with small children and audiences of all ages. Learn more and get tickets.
Birthday parties at Steppin' Out are back! After taking a few years off due to the pandemic, we're excited to get back to throwing great parties at Steppin' Out. We strive to keep our parties affordable and to offer unique options that you can choose from. Learn more.
Halloween Dances + Steppin' Out October News
October is here, which means Halloween choreography will be happening this month at Steppin' Out! Each class will be learning short Halloween dances culminating in an observation day for parents the week of October 25-29. (Our teen classes may or may not have Halloween inspired choreography, but parents are still welcome to observe class during this week.)
Furthermore, we invite you to come in your Halloween costume the week of October 25-29. If your costume isn't ready yet or if it's not easy to dance in it, then you're welcome to come dressed in any costume you want.
Except for this special last week in October, our parent observation policy remains the same: parents of children ages 5 and under are permitted to stay in the studio during class but we are asking that parents and caregivers of students 6 years and older to please drop off their dancer and not stay. We don't have a lot of space at the studio, and we have found that students do better when there are less distractions in the room.
Beginning this week, masks will be encouraged but optional for teachers, students, and parents who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Masks remain required for those who are not fully vaccinated.
If you've taken Teacher Angela's tumbling class, you've probably leaped over the mud puddle. As students get older, we no longer use the mud puddle, but the action of the leap is the same. A leap is a jump that goes from one foot to the other creating a split in the air. Start by gaining some forward momentum with a a run or chassé. When you're ready to take off, swing your front leg high and give a strong push off the floor with your back leg. Aim for pointed feet and straight knees while in the air. For a safe landing, make sure to plié on your leg as you come down.
Teacher Emily and Teacher Claire are performing in Garrett + Moulton Productions' 20th Anniversary Season October 6th-9th at ODC Theater. This joyful, high energy performance will be exciting for kids and parents alike. More information and tickets.
As our weather starts to get colder, make sure to bring a lightweight sweatshirt or other layer that you'd be comfortable dancing in. Because we keep the doors and windows open for air circulation, the studio temperature can vary each week based on the weather outside.
Fall Classes Start Today! + Steppin' Out September News
It's the first day of fall classes, and our teachers are ready to welcome you back to the studio! We can't wait to get to know our students and grow with you into the new season. If you haven't already, check out our dress code and COVID safety policies to prepare for class. Since it's the first week of classes, we want to assure you that it's ok if you don't have the right dance shoes yet or the perfect dance wear--just show up and let's get back to moving as a community!
To accommodate families on our waitlist, we've added classes and done some rearranging. We are happy to inform you that there are still a couple open spots in the following classes:
Saturday 9:00am Tap/Ballet/Tumbling age 6-8
Tuesday 5:00pm Tap/Ballet/Tumbling age 5-7
Thursday 5:00pm Contemporary age 8-12
Friday 5:00pm Tap/Ballet/Tumbling age 6-8
If you're interested in joining any of these classes, you can register here.
Point and flex is an exercise usually done during a circle warm-up in our younger classes, but all of our dancers use point and flex in a variety of dance forms. Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you and your knees straight. Flex your feet by pulling your toes up toward your body. As your toes lift to the ceiling, don't worry if your heels rise up off the floor. Pointing is the opposite action of flexing. Point your feet by stretching your toes away from your body and down toward the floor. Hold each position for a few seconds.
Attending live dance performances can be a fantastic way to supplement your family's dance education. Lucky for us, the San Francisco Chronicle just released their list of This fall’s 10 can’t-miss dance events—all happening locally in the Bay Area!
A great way to help your dancers stay organized is with dance bags of their own! Shoes, a water bottle, and a mask are some great items to include in your dance bag.
Fall Registration + Steppin' Out August News
Registration is now open for fall classes! We recommend registering as soon as possible to secure your preferred class(es), as spots are limited and classes will fill up quickly. If a class is listed as "full" when you register, please join the waiting list. Sometimes students shift around the first couple of weeks of class, and there's a chance we'll be able to let you in.
If you are a family that is new to Steppin' Out and you'd like to join one of our classes, take a look at our class selection guidelines to find a good fit for your dancer given their age and dance experience. If you need help choosing a class, email Angela.
Four your reference, you can find an overview of our fall class schedule as well as our policies regarding tuition, registration, and classes on our website.
With the success of Teacher Emily's contemporary class last year (happening again this fall!), we are continuing to expand our class offerings. We are excited to announce that our students will now have even more dance styles to choose from. Most of these classes are "open level," so there are no prerequisites (other than age) to join!
Friday 4:00-5:00 Jazz open level ages 8-12 with Teacher Abigail Hinson
Friday 5:00-6:00 Jazz open level ages 12-18 with Teacher Abigail Hinson
Thursday 5:00-6:00 Contemporary open level ages 8-12 with Teacher Emily Hansel
Tuesday 5:00-6:00 Contemporary open level ages 12-18 with Teacher Claire Fisher
Creative Movement/Tumbling
Tuesday 9:30-10:15 Creative Movement/tumbling ages 3-5 with Teacher Angela Rose Dorantes
We collect shoes your dancers have outgrown and pass them along to other dancers. Bring your old dance shoes to the studio when classes begin, and while you're there, take a look in case we have your new size!
Fall Class Schedule + Steppin' Out July News
We hope you're enjoying the summer! We're happy to share that our fall schedule is now available for viewing. Registration will open at the beginning of August and fall class will begin on September 6th. In addition to our class schedule, you can also learn about our policies regarding tuition, registration, and classes.
If you are a returning family, you will receive an individualized email with a list of suggested classes and a pre-registration link. (Please remember that it is common for students to stay at the same level for a couple years before moving up a level.) Pre-registration will open on July 25th.
If you are a family that is new to Steppin' Out and you'd like to join one of our classes, take a look at our class selection guidelines to find a good fit for your dancer given their age and dance experience. If you need help choosing a class, email Angela. Registration will open on August 1st.
Performance videos have been sent to all students that were enrolled in our spring 2022 semester. We hope you've enjoyed watching them and that you share them with family members that were unable to attend. If you didn't get the video link, please email Angela.
Speaking of spring performance...we'd like to give a shoutout to Lucy, one of our Steppin' Out parents, who made the beautiful paper flowers that decorated our stage last month. Thanks, Lucy!
We still have a couple of spaces in each week of Steppin' Out Summer Camp 2022. Campers can sign up for delightful and age-appropriate adventures with Angela and Pearl (both fully vaccinated). Enjoy dance, arts & crafts, baking, theater games, and unstructured outdoor time at Chan Kaajal Park the week of July 18-22, July 25-29, or both (each week is different!). Learn more or register now.
Sit on the ground with your legs extended out in front of you. Bring the soles of your feet together as your knees bend sideways away from each other. The outer edges of your feet will be resting on the ground. Give your butterfly wings (your knees) a few gentle flaps. Stretch forward and try to bring your nose toward your toes. Stay in the stretch for 20-30 seconds, and don't forget to breathe!
Bay Area contemporary ballet company, Post:ballet, released a short dance film on the summer solstice, titled Summer. The film is set in downtown San Francisco and features selections from composer Anna Meredith's ANNO: Four Seasons, a re-imagination of Vivaldi's timeless score. (See if you can spot Teacher Emily among the dancers!)
Congratulations on a Wonderful Performance! + Steppin' Out June News
Wasn't that a magical performance this past Sunday? Under the bright blue sky (after a drop of rain in the morning!), with the magnificent backdrop of trees and clouds, and together in the fresh air, our dancers brought energy and passion to the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater. We were so proud of the way they rolled with this unique performance location, changing shoes, walking on and off the stage on different paths, and bringing their hearts into each number. Steppin' Out even got a shout out on the SF Parks and Rec Facebook page, and we were listed on their calendar. Thanks to everyone for making Sunday so special, and congratulations to all the performers.
Next up for the Steppin' Out community: Please keep an eye out for the release of our fall schedule in the July newsletter. Registration will begin in early August, and our fall semester will start after Labor Day. We hope you'll come back and dance with us!
We can't wait to share the professional video capture of the performances with each of our currently enrolled families. As soon as the videos are finished, we'll email you a secure link from which to view them. Please keep an eye on your Activity Hero messages this summer.
We still have a couple of spaces in each week of Steppin' Out Summer Camp 2022. Campers can sign up for delightful and age-appropriate adventures with Angela and Pearl (both fully vaccinated). Enjoy dance, arts & crafts, baking, theater games, and unstructured outdoor time at Chan Kaajal Park the week of July 18-22, July 25-29, or both (each week is different!). Learn more or register now.
Besides the mats at the studio, the grass is the best place to practice cartwheels, so they're the perfect movement to work on this summer. Young dancers can start by planting their hands flat against the ground and hopping their legs over. As dancers gain coordination, they can lift their legs higher and eventually straighten them (try pointing those toes!). Teaching your dancers opposition (pushing down with the hands while reaching up with the toes) will help with balance as well.
As Mills College graduates evolves into a satellite campus of Northeastern University, please read this reflection on the past 83 years of dance history on that campus.
This will be my last newsletter, so I wanted to say thanks so much to all of the Steppin' Out dancers and families for making this such a wonderful place to work for the last nine years. I've enjoyed collaborating with Angela, the amazing Steppin' Out teachers and staff, and the delightful dancers through so many changes and evolutions, and I wish you all the best in the future.
During summer break, keep dance front and center by taking every opportunity to dance in daily life. Take the adage to "dance like no one's watching" to the next level: chassé through the grocery store, skip around the park, pirouette as you cook!
One Month Till Showtime! + Steppin' Out May News
This is it! About one month till showtime--till the costumes in this photo will take center stage with many others. Now is the time to please bring your dancers to class as often as possible--class attendance helps dancers feel prepared and confident when it's their turn on stage.
As a reminder, our show date has been set for Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater in McLaren Park. All current families should have already received an email with performance details and a costume list. Didn't get it? Email Leila (and you are also welcome to check posted information at the studio).
While masks will be optional during our outdoor performance, we'll continue to mask inside at the studio for the remainder of the semester.
Costumes are here! Invoices for costumes have been sent this morning, May 2nd, and can be paid online. (Didn't get one? Email Angela). Once costumes are paid, they can be picked up at the front desk and taken home (and this year, tights are included!). Classes whose costumes are "TBD" will not receive an invoice until costume choices have been finalized.
Costume tip! When you bring your costume home, please take moment to try everything on, double-check that you have everything you need, and determine whether any elements need ironing. Tights don't fit? Bring them back for the right size. Once you're all set, store your costume in a safe place until showtime.
We need volunteers for the day of the show! Classes of younger students (age 8 and younger) need two parent volunteers to sit with each class, keep dancers together, and help dancers change their shoes between numbers. All volunteers will also be able to watch the show. Please contact Angela if you're willing to assist.
Finally, whether or not you're a current family, please get excited and join us on show day--all are welcome and invited!
As we gear up for the performance, it's a great time to practice dance walking to get on and off the stage. Dance walking creates the effect of seamless motion that originates in the forward (or backward!) movement of the pelvis. To practice, have your dancer roll through their feet from their toe to ball to heel, shifting from one foot to the next in continuous motion as they imagine someone pulling on their hips to draw their pelvis forward.
Teacher Emily's first full-length show debuts at the end of the month! This groundbreaking and kid-friendly project engages its performers as equal partners in the creative process who are hired as employees rather than independent contractors. Emily has chronicled the importance of these choices, which have the potential to begin to shift the dance world. In conjunction with the show, Emily is hosting a free kids' workshop for vaccinated kids ages 5-12, and all Steppin' Out dancers are invited! Please learn more about the show, Emily's intentional practice as a choreographer, and the free workshop--or just buy your tickets and we'll see you there!
As our performance will be outdoors this year, masks will be optional. Your face has been hidden behind a mask for a while, so now is a great time to practice using it while dancing, perhaps even with a smile.
Preparing for the Performance + Steppin' Out April News
Our Steppin' Out 2022 Annual Performance is just around the corner, and we have official confirmation of time and place! Our show date has been set for Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater in McLaren Park. Currently enrolled families will receive an email with performance details and costume information in the next few weeks, so please keep an eye on your inbox!
From this point on, it's very important for dancers to attend class consistently so they don't get behind in their class choreography. Steppin' Out will be open for classes every week through May 30th as we all work hard on getting ready for the performance. And after a two-year pause from the glitz and glam of costumes, we're delighted to share that costumes will be returning for all Steppin' Out dancers. This means costume fittings will happen during upcoming weeks of class--all the more reason to be sure to attend!
Steppin' Out is pleased to offer two weeks of camp this summer--and we still have some spots for each session. Campers can sign up for delightful and age-appropriate adventures with Angela and summer camp hero Pearl, both fully vaccinated. Enjoy dance, arts & crafts, baking, theater games, and unstructured outdoor time at Chan Kaajal Park the week of July 18-22, July 25-29, or both (each week is different!). Learn more or register now.
We understand that mask mandates are being lifted or relaxed in schools and other settings, but due to the risks associated with cardio activity and the number of students at the studio under the age of five (who don't yet qualify for the vaccine), Steppin' Out will continue to require masking in dance class at this time. We will reevaluate in a couple of weeks and keep you posted if anything changes in our policies. In the meantime, please include a mask in your child's dance bag, and thank you for understanding.
Two months from now, our dancers will be taking the stage. Once their dances are over, we want to show them how much we appreciate their work--but are they ready to take a bow? A dancer's bow requires practice, and now is a great time to get started. Have your dancer stand tall with two feet together and then bend at the hips, sweeping both hands back. Some classes may be using the curtsey instead of the bow. To curtsey, place one foot behind the other with its heel lifted and ball down before sweeping both arms back. Advanced dancers may drop their heads during their bow--just watch that balance!
Steppin' Out would like to ask that, prior to the performance, students acquire the correct dance shoes for the style of dance they will be performing (whether ballet, tap, or jazz). Students may take shoes from the share bin if they find their size. Has your dancer outgrown a pair? Why not leave them in the shoe bin for a student who may be looking for that size!
A great way to help your dancers stay organized is with dance bags of their own! You can include shoes, a water bottle, and a mask in each, plus anything else they would like to bring to class.
Register Now for Summer Camp! + Steppin' Out March News
Spring is in full swing at the studio, and dancers are hard at work learning choreography for our (optional) annual performance. As a reminder, please hold June 4th and 5th for the performance, and we will get back to you with details once they are confirmed. From this point on, please try to bring your dancers to class consistently so they don't get behind in their class choreography.
Steppin' Out is pleased to offer two weeks of camp this summer. Your campers can sign up for delightful and age-appropriate adventures with Angela and summer camp hero Pearl, both fully vaccinated. Enjoy dance, arts & crafts, baking, theater games, and unstructured outdoor time at Chan Kaajal Park the week of July 18-22, July 25-29, or both (each week is different!). Learn more or register now.
As a reminder, Steppin' Out will not close for any holidays this spring. We will be open during all spring breaks, so please come to class as often as your family's plans permit.
With all that is happening in the world, balance is more important than ever. Encourage your dancers to practice balance in their own bodies. Younger dancers can try standing on one leg and imagining their standing foot growing roots into the ground. Older dancers can practice the same position but add in relevé. Experiment with different arms to see what effect they have on balance--arms stretched to side, up over heads, or fingers down toward the floor. Don't forget to practice on both legs!
Teacher Emily is also a dance advocate and writer. Her recent blog post on Life as a Modern Dancer, "Empowering Dancers through Contracts," shares ideas and models of how choreographers can use contracts to make work experiences safer and more productive for dancers. Emily has a family-friendly show running at the ODC Theater from May 26th-28th, so please stay tuned for more information in the coming months.
Traveling for spring break? If you're ready for a show, why not add a live dance performance to your family's itinerary?
Spring Semester Begins Today + Steppin' Out February News
Spring semester begins today! We are so excited to welcome new students to the studio as well as to welcome back familiar faces. As a reminder, in the spring semester dancers work more deeply on choreography in preparation for the Steppin' Out Annual Performance (we are still working on the plan, but please pencil in June 4th and 5th for now).
For the safety of all the Steppin' Out community, please monitor all family members for any signs of illness. Even mild signs like a runny nose should trigger testing, and students who are positive should kindly complete their quarantine before returning to the studio. We'll continue to do our part with hand washing and sanitization, air filtration, and masks. A well-fitting mask that stays over the nose is important, and medical experts are currently recommending N-95 or KN-95 masks when possible.
A new semester is a great time to shake things up a bit. Why not try walking backwards? Develop balance, coordination, confidence, and a greater awareness of all the dimensions of space. That kind of awareness is great to have when sharing the dance floor with classmates during class--and crucial when it's time for the performance. Have your child practice at home to music. Just make sure to clear a space before you get started!
Please spread the word--we've just opened an additional Tap/Ballet/Tumbling Beginning I for ages 4-6 with Angela Rose Dorantes and Abigail Hinson from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesdays. Please view the schedule, register now, or tell a friend!
Conversations about paying dancers fairly for their work have arisen this month around Super Bowl performers. Dancers' union SAG-AFTRA announced after a meeting with Super Bowl producers that "no professional dancers will be asked to work for free as part of the halftime show." Read about the struggle for dance work to be recognized and compensated fairly in New York Times dance critic Gia Kourlas' "What Do Dancers Bring to a Halftime Show?" Kourlas argues that "to perform without adequate compensation devalues dancers as artists. It suggests dance is just a hobby, not an artistic or athletic pursuit."
We love giving stickers and our dancers love collecting them, so how about a new sticker book for the new year? Any small notebook with blank pages will do.
Register Now for Spring!
Spring 2022 registration is now open! Our semester begins on February 1st. Please register now.
All spaces are first-come, first-served, so please sign up as soon as possible. If a class is full, please add yourself to the waiting list as we do expect to have some movement during the first weeks of registration. We can't wait to dance with you this spring!
Curriculum & Placement
Spring term provides an opportunity for dancers to learn and sharpen performance-ready dances. Returning students may register for the same classes they took in the fall or contact Angela for advice about changing times. As students will be incorporating steps they have been working on into spring choreography, staying in the same class at the same time is best.
Dancers typically continue in the same level for one to two years, depending on age when entering the level. For example, dancers entering a 3-4 year old "pre-ballet" class at age 3 will stay for two years before moving up to level one, while those who enter at age 4 will typically move up after one year. Level changes happen during fall semester only.
During registration, students may register for any age-appropriate class with the following prerequisites:
Returning students may register for the same time at which they were previously enrolled, regardless of any bump in level.
Tap/Pre-ballet/Tumbling, Creative Movement, and Tap/Ballet Beginning I are open to any student of the appropriate age.
Tap/Ballet Beginning II is open to any student of the appropriate age with at least one-two years of previous dance experience.
Tap/Ballet Beginning III is open to any student of the appropriate age with at least three-four years of previous dance experience.
Intermediate or Advanced classes require placement permission from Angela:
Older students just beginning their dance training should contact Angela for placement.
More on the class schedule and dates.
More on tuition and policies.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions.
Spring Schedule Announced + Steppin' Out January News
Happy new year! Please don’t forget that fall semester continues through January, so please return to class this week, and read on for spring registration information.
Fall students receive priority to continue in the spring, so current families should keep an eye out for a preregistration email on January 10th. All remaining spots are open to newsletter subscribers. We'll send a link to you on January 17th, but you can view the class schedule, tuition and policy information, or teacher bios now.
Teacher Sonja will be focusing on school in the spring (but hopes to return to Steppin' Out in the fall), so this spring we are thrilled to be welcoming Claire Fisher to the studio. Claire will be taking over as our Wednesday ballet teacher starting in mid-January. Claire is a California native who has extensive experience training and performing with an array of Bay Area companies. You can view Claire's bio--along with bios for all of our teachers--on the Steppin' Out "About" page. Claire, we're so excited to have you on board!
The transferring of weight is essential to nearly all styles of dance. Any time someone walks, they shift weight from one foot to the next. Weight transfer in dance works in the same way--dancers project weight from one part of the body to another, freeing up that first part to move. This can be a partial transfer, as in a "ball change," or a full transfer, as when we run, leap, or perform certain turns.
The new year is a great time to return our focus to the basics and really explore what it feels like to transfer weight. Ask your dancers to move their weight between feet slowly and then quickly, noting the exact moment the original foot becomes free. Then try shifting weight from other parts of the body too!
Did you know that Steppin' Out offers Contemporary on Thursday nights from 5-6 p.m. with Teacher Emily? We've noticed some amazing work happening in that class as Teacher Emily's students have explored movement quality and worked on interpreting and creating dance phrases in class. Best of all, there's still space for students wishing to add a second or third class to their schedule for spring.
Also, please note the two brand new classes we're adding to the spring slate: Tuesday 5-6 p.m. Tap/Ballet Beginning III for ages 6-8 and Wednesday 3-4 p.m. Tap/Ballet/Tumbling Beginning II for ages 5-7. Please review the schedule and spread the word!
This month, we want to highlight two new films dancers might want to check out to get into the spirit of music, Encanto (with music by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Germaine Franco; can be streamed from home), and Sing 2 (with music by Joby Talbot; not yet streaming but should be shortly).
Sometimes returning to class can feel tentative, but don't be afraid to take risks this month. The classroom is a safe place to try new things and learn. "Mistakes" are just opportunities to adjust, and progress often arrives when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone, so GO BIG when you return.
Winter Camp, Happy Holidays, and Steppin' Out December News
Happy holidays to those who celebrate. Holiday cheer is in full force at the studio, where dancers are learning Nutcracker dances and enjoying the final two weeks class this month. Please don't forget that fall semester continues through January, so return after break--and look for spring registration information in our January newsletter.
And congratulations to the Steppin' Out dancers in this month's photo who were some of the Steppin' Out guest dancers in Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets. We're so proud of all of the guest performers!
As a reminder, Steppin' Out is closed for winter break from December 20th-January 2nd, in parallel with the SFUSD fall closure. Enjoy your break and don't forget to return to the studio starting 1/4/2022.
This year, Winter Camp returns to Steppin' Out. Come take advantage of our magical winter days packed full of delightful, age-appropriate activities and surprises: dance, arts & crafts, baking, theater games, unstructured play time at the park, and more. Two weeks of stable cohorts (12/20-12/23 and 12/27-12/30--pick one week or both). 1:5 teacher:student ratio; ages 5-12. Learn more or register on our Winter Camp page.
Last month we worked on the grapevine, a dance step that moves to the side. This month, we'll focus on the jazz square, a step that makes a box and keeps dancers in essentially the same place. To try a square, imagine four corners on the floor. Then step forward with your right foot. Next, cross your left foot over your right. Step back with your right foot, then bring your left foot back to meet your right. You can add swinging arms or other upper body accents to your square--and don't forget to also practice on the left.
Ready for that holiday classic, The Nutcracker Ballet? Here are some local options for the seasonal dance tradition:
The classic, featuring breathtaking performances and spectacular sets:
The San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker
The 50-minute version, perfect for the younger crowd (and featuring our teachers Emily Hansel and Sonja Dale):
Mark Foehringer's Nutcracker Sweets
The non-Nutcracker-yet-still-holiday classic from our neighbors at ODC:
The Velveteen Rabbit
Please note that the "Dance Along Nutcracker" is on hiatus this year and will return in 2022.
Watching a holiday dance performance with your dancers? Ask them which part they found the most powerful, exciting, or moving--and encourage them to recreate one part of a dance they watched for you.
Thanksgiving Recess + Steppin' Out November News
This month's photo shows Teacher Emily and Teacher Sonja in Garrett and Moulton's "Roll Out." While that show closed last week, we have an upcoming performance to share with you that's perfect for kids, so please see below.
In studio news, our dancers enjoyed learning festive Halloween choreography last month. This month we'll continue to build technique and work on new steps while reviewing and improving on all that we've learned so far this fall.
As a reminder, Steppin' Out is on recess during the week of Thanksgiving, November 22nd-28th, in parallel with the SFUSD fall closure. Enjoy your break and don't forget to return to the studio starting 11/30.
The grapevine is a sequence of steps that moves sideways instead of forward and back. Though there are many variations, a simple one is just to have your dancers step to the right, then cross their left foot behind their right, and then step to the right again, then cross their left foot in front of their right. In class we say, "side back side front side back side front" to help dancers learn the pattern. Side to side movement can help dancers develop more awareness of the space (and other dancers!) around them. Don't forget to practice moving in each direction.
The Nutcracker Sweets is a 50-minute version of the classic Nutcracker from Mark Foehringer Dance Project. Not only is this shorter version appropriate for small children, it also stars Steppin' Out teachers Sonja and Emily. Learn more or purchase tickets.
Sometimes "chunking" dance steps can help reinforce learning. If your dancers are working on a phrase from class, try asking them to do it once focusing mostly on their feet, next thinking mostly about their arms, again moving from the center of their bodies, and then once last time to put it all together.